Saturday, September 12, 2009

Man taught the dog several things and the dog started to help his master in his works. The dog guarded his masters house, herd, retrieved the game his master had shot and gave companion to his master and family. The dog in the modern world is used to detect drugs and bombs, to sniff and detect certain types of skin cancers, to lead the blind, to cheer up ill children and old people etc. Although the dog had been grateful to his master, due to the masters irresponsible behaviour the dog has turned out to be a filthy being in the street spreading such deadly disease as rabies. Who is to be blamed for this?, It is man himself, allowing unchecked mating of dogs and sending the extra litter to the streets, then providing food for them to survive in the form of garbage and ample space in the form of abandoned buildings etc. It is long time that man act responsibly to solve the problem of STRAY DOGS. The stray dogs when forming packs can become very dangerous even to human life.

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